NAFSCE's Strategic Plan |
NAFSCE Strategic Plan - 2017 - 2021In 2015, NAFSCE embarked on an extended strategic planning initiative. An 18-member Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) that was recruited from across the country led this effort. More than 40 people of various backgrounds, geographic locations and professional disciplines were surveyed to determine NAFSCE's opportunities for success, a focus group of eight participants was conducted, and 38 individuals participated in one of the five task forces. The SPC was tasked with turning the mission and vision of NAFSCE, established by our Board, into a focused, cohesive strategy. The NAFSCE Board of Directors unanimously approved the Strategic Plan for 2017 - 2021 on January 11, 2017 in Washington, DC. The Strategic Framework, representing that plan, is presented below. Please click on the image for a full view of the document. We welcome your feedback.
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