State Services

State Services

Statewide Family Engagement Centers

Since 2018, 12 Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFECs) representing 13 states have been funded to create systemic partnerships with State Education Agencies to provide technical assistance and training to schools, districts, community partners, and SEAs, as well as to provide parenting education and family engagement programming. NAFSCE works in partnership with the centers in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Massachusetts to enhance their efforts to provide high impact, evidence based programs at the state and local level. Additionally, NAFSCE works with the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) as well as each of the SFECs to create a robust network that participates in knowledge sharing and networking to enhance the services in their own states. Click on the link below to learn more about SFECs and access their resources.

State Education Agencies Family Engagement Frameworks

NAFSCE and the Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) State Consortium on Family Engagement supported 18 State Education Agencies (SEAs) in recruiting diverse stakeholder coalitions to co-develop birth-to grade-12 statewide family engagement frameworks and sustain the effort. Ten frameworks have been launched, and several SEAs have enhanced dedicated staff and/or created Offices of Family Engagement.

Opportunity Canvas

The Family Engagement Opportunity Canvas is designed to help State Education Agencies (SEAs) and their partners and constituents better understand, take advantage of, and build on their own state-level family engagement activities, policies, and programs. The report consolidates information regarding family engagement policies and practices currently in place in the SEA, identifies how the SEA can be a driver of change, shares opportunities to enhance the SEA's work, and supplemental material from NAFSCE provides resources and examples from other states.  Learn more about the Opportunity Canvas here.   


State Effective Practices

State educational agencies play an integral role in how educational services are administered. Although their connections to families are often indirect, they do a lot to impact the work schools and school districts do to engage all families such as communicating expectations, designing and implementing accountability systems, supporting school improvement, and promoting professional practice. NAFSCE works with state agencies to ensure they have access to the latest research and best practices from the field. Learn more about effective state practices here.

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